Apollo 10 1/2: A Space Age Childhood (2022)
This movie was the definition of Ok. It was honestly really boring. I mean it had some alright plot points but it was more documentary styled then what I was hoping for. I mean like the concept is interesting, but the whole forst 45 minutes was jsut this guy talking about what life was like in the 60s. Like i could not care less. I wanted more dialouge between the characters and i wanted more actual conversations. Instead i got a montage of what the movie was about while a monotone voice talked about wanting to be in space for an hour and a half. Im really giving this movie a lot of crap but i think it did what it wanted to do. I think it wanted to make a fake scenario and a fake story of a kid astronaut look real and like a documentary but i was jsut so bored. it felt like the whole movie could've been a 15 minute short film. Also, this was my first rotoscoping style movie. I wasn not a fan. It honestly made me a bit uncomfortable. I think i wouldve liked the movie more if it was just plain live action. I dont know, this movie is like a 3/10 on a good day. Its just not my thing.
Even though you were "meh" about this, I still kind of want to watch this.